Records dating back to the mid 1940’s show that the Seaboard community were keen to have a village hall. The Head Teacher of Hilton of Cadboll Secondary School at that time was Mr Crawford, he encouraged local folks to form a committee, this would eventually work towards raising enough money to build a new village hall as a memorial to the young men and women who never returned to The Seaboard.

It took some time before the new hall came to fruition but in 1958 the Seaboard Memorial Hall opened and has always been a much needed and well used community facility.

In the mid 1990’s however, the continual costs of repair and lack of modern facilities lead the then committee to consider options. Plans to renovate the existing building were put on display at a public meeting. These plans did not fully address the community’s needs & wants. There was a unanimous decision made at that meeting to seek funding for a completely new building which would address community needs. That was really the beginning of what has and continues to be a progressive development of the business known as the Seaboard Memorial Hall.

The Old Hall, The Canteen.